BAM CBG and Earth Tau Logos


Professor Paranormal VS Rock Salt is our recommended beginner set. Both Leaders provide a simple to follow, (and to experienced card game players), familiar approaches to Leader strategies within the BÆM™ CBG™.



Learn Defensive strategies with Smash and Grabs deck built around Halting abilities and boxing out your rivals with tough rugged Vanilla cards. Or, for the more adventurous explorers, use the Powered Up potential of Brent Bastardly as he tries to overcome the wall of meat with the power of tech!



Earth, Hell , and Beyond. This Husband and Wife are trapped between kept secrets that would doom their love, their family, and their dimension to oblivion. Both Leaders use abilities that affect retirement. It is a battle of attrition to see who is left with a fight after the smoke clears.



New Quest Entertainment™ is a small team of two sci-fi, fantasy, superhero, and pop culture fans. We started with some different ideas about how CCGs, TCGs, LCGs, and board games should work, and set out to make something new!

After 8 years of development, including six years of game testing, working conventions, talking to players to improve accessibility, partnering with 20 amazing artists from North and South America, and an 11th hour rebranding, we have made the greatest card game from Earth 6.28! Buy all 3 boxes of Season One of BÆM™ CBG™ right now!


All game components for BÆM™ CBG™ are made with the trusted services of Gamecrafter in the USA.

the Game Crafter Logo

No Dead Turns

The game ends when any player can no longer make a play/runs out of plays. Each player gets to deploy one asset per turn. When any player is unable to Deploy (play) into a LOC (Location), the Final Battle is triggered. Play your Fee/Tariff and Final Battle abilities before scoring each LOC to determine who will claim victory!

All Game, No Gamble

All Cards are produced equally; there is no card rarity in BÆM™. Instead we use the set emblem/rarity marker to determine uniqueness of ability for Asset cards; difficulty of use for Leader cards; and complexity of ability for Location (LOC) cards.

All Killer, No filler

BÆM™ sets are produced with lower card counts. Half set 72 cards Total, 126-144 cards for a full season set. This gives us more focus and intent on the design of each card. Because of our CBG™ scoring system each card's value is situational. That one card that you need to finish your multi turn combo changes depending on who the Leaders are, and what LOC(s) are in play.

An Endless Challenge

This game is built to create new emerging strategies with every new LOC(s) and Leader(s) combination. After 8 years of development and the last six years of game testing and revisions, we still get surprised by the combos that you can attempt in the BÆM™ CBG™ sandbox of gameplay. Get into the game and hunt for the ever changing meta of BÆM™!

Deserted Island Gaming

Play anywhere. All you need is the cards and a coin sized object for each player to use as a deployment marker. That's it, play it anywhere.

Get to Playin’

Each player picks their Leader and appropriate deck for the game type the group has chosen to play. The group then selects which LOC(s) to play for that match. Place the LOCs in the middle of the table, spaced apart for multiplayer. Shuffle your decks and get to playing.

BÆM™ Body. Aether. Mind. 

If you want different results, you have to build things differently. We wanted a deeper system for card stats. A core evolved from the common singular Attack/Defense that a majority of competitive card and board games use. It also had to remain accessible, quick and stable. 

With BÆM™, each of the three BÆM (Body, Aether, Mind) scores can be used as an attack or defense metric. This gives BÆM™ a 300% increase in potential play scenarios not possible with the standard singular Attack/Defense system; all without being bloated and cumbersome.

Body Icon


Super Strength, Speed, Agility, Endurance. Thicc, quick and everything the Body can achieve.

Aether Icon


You’ve got magic casting, cosmic powers, shooting lasers out of wherever, Aether is energy incarnate!

Mind Icon


Intelligence, Wisdom, Telepathy, Telekinesis, if you are using the gray between your ears, you’ve got a beautiful Mind.

BÆM's Card-Board Game™, (CBG)™ dynamic scoring system changes your objectives: making every game unique!

Season one of Earth Tau™ BÆM™ provides 18,304 unique board states for the War game type and 468 unique board states for Skirmish. In other words, you would need to play for four years, at 8 hours a day to experience all game board scenarios for a game of WAR in season one of Earth Tau™ BÆM™.

All 8 Leaders in season one have a unique legendary ability that give you different playstyle choices, this changes the way you can play the game.

The 13 Locations in season one, each have a different scoring requirement. This adds unlimited variety to the common Health Counter win conditions of traditional competitive card games.

To master the game of BÆM™ CBG™ you must adapt to the Location(s) in play, and your Rival(s) Leader approach to victory, in a playstyle and customized deck created by you!


 In BÆM™ featuring Earth Tau™, you are a high-ranking super in charge of deploying teams throughout the known and unknown. Outscore your rival(s) before they can claim victory.


See how to play a short game of Skirmish to get you started. Check out the other videos on the channel for other game types and info.

Getting Started - Basics

There are three types of BÆM™ cards, each with a different back to help you identify them.

1: LEADER cards represent who you are in the game with the other Players representing your Rival Leaders.

2: LOC cards represent where the trouble is and where your Teams need to be.

3: ASSET cards make up your Deck and represent the different Heroes, Villains, Gadgets, Events, and Professionals you can use to build your teams.

BÆM™ Card Anatomy


Leader Card Breakdown


Asset Card Breakdown

LOC (Location)

LOC Card Breakdown

Multiple Ways to Play



BAM Cards Icon



BAM Players Icon



BAM Time Icon

10-20 MIN

BAM Skirmish Playing Field

Skirmish is a quick game type and perfect introduction for BÆM™. Providing fast game times, and a more focused approach on single Location domination.

Skirmish rules allow for turn after turn Deployment in the same Location, unlike WAR.

You cannot legally deploy into Admin turn after turn, this rule also applies to War.

Use your deployment marker to track between Admin and Location deployment.



BAM Cards Icon



BAM Players Icon



BAM Time Icon

30-60 MIN

BAM War Playing Field

WAR is the original game type for BÆM™. Deeper and more varied combinations, strategies, and playstyles come together to create engaging and challenging gameplay.

WAR games are rich in watercooler moments that inspire additional replays. Multiple Locations create unique combo plays, challenging the ideas of a single dominate game meta.

WAR rules do not allow for any turn after turn Deployment in the same Location or Admin, unlike Skirmish.

Use your deployment marker to track between Admin and multiple Location deployment.

Why BÆM™?

BÆM™ is an ever evolving playground of in house systems, real world data, and creativity; all curated to develop great stories, new ideas, and new ways to deliver that content. We are also gamers, and felt something was missing in the market.

That said: we want to manufacture joy. Saturday morning cartoons with your favorite breakfast cereal type joy. We believe we have done that with the BÆM™ - Earth Tau™ Card-Board Game™.

We have many fond memories from all of the creativity, humor, and passion experienced through the work of every creative before us. We want to be a part of carrying that inspiration forward.


Alex Mensen and Jerrod Jackson
BÆM™ CBG™, Earth Tau™, New Quest Entertainment™, LLC

Meet the New Quest Entertainment™ Team

Just 2 guys working out of a basement along with Pumpkin who makes sure that we go outside and see sunlight every once in a while. Is it passion or obsession that drives us forward?

Alex Mensen Co-Owner/Project Manager

Alex Mensen

The Game Designer, Project Manager, originator of the entire project. Always ready with a solution and one of the hardest working, passionate and creative people you could meet.

Jerrod Jackson Co-Owner/Creative Director

Jerrod Jackson

The Creative Director that draws stuff, and uses whatever program can accomplish the task. Its late, more to come.